Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Day in Green Bluff

Last Sunday we spent the afternoon touring farms North of Spokane in a community called Green Bluff. Every summer and fall this collection of farms opens their door to invite others to enjoy the crops that they have grown during the season (primarily apples and pumpkins). After church, we enjoyed lunch with The Bradstreet Family before venturing up to Green Bluff. Apparently all of Spokane decided that it would be a good weekend to do the same because it was packed! First we stopped at Siemers to let the kids wander through the corn maze then we ended up at Hansens. While there, we meandered through the apple orchard searching for the scary faces that they hide in the trees. We took the opportunity to have some pictures taken since the Bradstreet's were with us. Here are a few.



These are GREAT pictures of all of you! Those girls get prettier and prettier every day!! So they are allowed to start dating when they're 25, right???? LOL The picture of Dave and Tracy is an excellent one!!!! Thanks for sharing these with us! Love U!!!

Mom said...

What a beautiful family! Looks like you all had a great time. Did the girlies find all the hidden faces in the orchard? I remember that maze was a lot of fun last year, wish we could have been there again. Love always, Grandma and Grandpa Hill